
Puppy Supplies Shopping List

Wire Crate, click image to shop!

Wire Crate, click image to shop!

Washable Crate Pad or Bed, click image to shop!

Washable Crate Pad or Bed, click image to shop!

X Pen, click image to shop!

X Pen, click image to shop!

Slicker Brush, click image to shop!

Slicker Brush, click image to shop!

Enzyme Cleaner, click image to shop!

Enzyme Cleaner, click image to shop!

Bully Stick Chew Toys, click image to shop!

Bully Stick Chew Toys, click image to shop!

Kong Chew Toy, click image to shop!

Kong Chew Toy, click image to shop!

DoTerra Lemon Oil, click image to shop!

DoTerra Lemon Oil, click image to shop!

  • Wire Crate - we recommend a medium crate with partition, so they can grow into it.

  • Washable Crate Pad or Bed - This is for inside the crate (we recommend a washable one), the more comfortable you can make the crate, the better crate training will go.

  • Dog Bed - This will be for outside the crate, can be a little more plush or have edges on it (again, we recommend a washable one).

  • X Pen - This works great for when you want to partition off a part of your living space - keep their space small for house training. It works wonders with the crate training for your puppy!

  • Grooming Supplies - Slicker Brush + Hypoallergenic Shampoo - The more natural the better for your pup's skin. Only wash their whole body if they got into the mud or something, keeping their skin supple and less dander with less washing! Paws will be washed more frequently.

  • Enzyme Cleaner - We love this brand available at Bone and Biscuit. Enzyme cleaners are so important to eat up the urine smell so your pup doesn't end up peeing in the same place.

  • Collar and Leash - XS size collar + Training Leash - Puppies grow quickly, so we recommend having a couple small, lightweight, adjustable collars that are easy to snap on and off. Your puppy will ONLY wear a collar when he/she is supervised! NEVER leave a collar on your puppy when you are not watching them as they can strangle themselves in the pen or crate. Having a lightweight four to six foot leash to start out with will give them great beginning exposure to leash training. You will work on his leash training for short periods indoors and out, he/she will drag it, step on it, get it caught on things around the house, and learn that a tug on the leash is OK, nothing to worry about. Same rules apply! Only place your leash on your puppy when they are under DIRECT supervision.

  • Chews + Chewable Toys - Ensure they are durable and non-edible. Provide plenty of toys to carry around, retrieve with, and chew on. You will be doing much re-direction as your puppy progresses through the teething, chewing, and biting stages. You want to look for toys that he cannot get any small pieces from, and nothing edible. You want ONLY your puppy’s food passing through his immature and developing intestinal system for the first 2 weeks, and then slowly introduce treats to see what his body does with them. Kong toys, rope toys, hooves and antlers (when they are older- little too hard for them), and soft fleece toys are a great start! Lamb and cow ear, Bully Sticks, Porky Puffs, these things are great to chew on for their teething needs. 

  • Floor / Household Cleaners - Something else to talk about of importance is how you wash your floors - do not use chemical cleaners as your pup's paws will absorb it and will end up getting into their blood stream! Essential oils such as DoTerra Lemon, or the antibacterial blend of on-guard, in a bucket of hot water, and a little dash of vinegar is amazing for disinfection. 

  • Food and Water Dishes, or a water bottle to hang on the crate door.